
MTG Mythic Championship Qualifier (Richmond)

Game Time is proud to announce our next Mythic Championship Qualifier!

September 15, 2019
Doors open at 10am, event to start at 11am sharp.
This is a Modern format event.
Entry is $35
Number of rounds is based on attendance, plus a top 8 cut.
This event is a 1K. That means the prize pool is $1000 guaranteed. Prize payout for this event will be as follows.

1st ~ $400 (and invite to Mythic Championship (Richmond)
2nd ~ $200
3rd – 4th ~ $100
5th – 8th ~ $50

All entrants will also receive a shiny Arcbound Ravager promo for participating!

Preregistration is recommended. You can preregister in store or online at Eventbrite.

We highly recommend that you print and fill out your deck registration sheet before the day of the event. Deck registration sheet HERE

Wizards of the Coast MCQ general information page is HERE

Detailed information for MCQ Richmond is HERE

Pokemon Go! Kanto/ Johto Rainbow Cup

Tuesday, June 18th – 6pm This event is FREE!

This tournament is a format referred to as Rainbow Cup, where each player chooses a team of 6 Kanto or Johto Pokemon each with CP no higher than 1500 and with at least one typing of Fire, Electric, Bug, Grass, and Water. Once again, you CANNOT have any duplicate Pokemon this month but you can have those in the same family (Grimer and Muk).

Here is the official tournament page for this format.
